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The 6 Amazing Benefits of Playing
15 Apr 2022

Why Cooperative Games Are Important For Kids

Why are cooperative games important for kids?

  1. They build their social skills.
  2. They improve their communication skills.
  3. They lower their aggression.
  4. They increase their empathy.
  5. They create healthy connections.
  6. They learn how to resolve conflicts.

If you’re an experienced parent or you just have a clear recollection of your childhood years, then you would know that there are many types of play out there. Those who are knowledgeable would also be aware of the many benefits that they bring kids. Playtime is not just for fun, it’s for development too. Cooperative games are examples of good playtime for your children. In this article, you’ll learn why cooperative games are important for kids.

What Are Cooperative Games?

Cooperative games are simple. They require players to work with each other to beat or complete the game, as opposed to competitive games where players are pitted against each other.

Cooperative games could be board games, role-playing games where an adult or someone else becomes the villain, video games, and many other forms. All of these give kids important life lessons. Keep reading below to learn more!

They build their social skills.

One of the more obvious benefits of cooperative games is that it builds the kids’ social skills. As described earlier, cooperative games require players to work together. A few examples of cooperative games are board games and role play like playing with kitchen sets or tool sets. This means each child will interact with other children or other groups of children. 

By learning to communicate and try to overcome various challenges together, the social skills of children like sharing and kindness will be developed.

They improve their communication skills.

Communication skills are related to social skills, but the former is developed the most when playing cooperative games. When playing cooperative games, each player needs to let their concerns be heard and listen to what others are saying in turn. 

Both expressing and listening skills are honed through cooperative games. It’s also a great way for children who have trouble developing that area, like kids with impairments or socially withdrawn kids, to learn from other children their age.

They lower their aggression.

By cooperating with other children instead of competing against them, your child could have less aggressive behavior. Beating cooperative games rely on teamwork and getting along with each other instead of being aggressive towards each other. 

Studies have shown that when kids coordinate, they assist and support each other. This lets them explore other ways to react to undesirable situations with other people. If you often encounter aggression problems with your children, try letting them play cooperative games for a change.

They increase their empathy.

As they work with other kids, children will also learn to empathize with them. Most cooperative games let players take on different roles and work together as a team. When they do, they have to think about the perspective of the other members of the team as well. Empathizing with other playmates also lets them decide the fairness of the game. 

These activities within cooperative games help them realize that everyone has different experiences even when in the same situation, and they could apply this lesson in real-life situations as well.

They create healthy connections.

Cooperative games, as was discussed here, call for plenty of socializing, communicating, and working together. The acts of support and teamwork help children make healthy connections with their playmates. Cooperative games are good ways to make new friends, especially if you succeed in beating the game. Through cooperating, trust is also formed between the players. 

Knowing how to cooperate is an important social skill for them to learn. They will use this throughout their lives, so it’s good to give them the lesson as early as possible. Once they learn to trust each other, children will form healthy connections with each other that could last for a very long time.

They learn how to resolve conflicts.

As with anything that requires cooperation between people, conflicts may still arise from cooperative games. Don’t fret! This is a good learning opportunity for children who don’t yet know how to properly and peacefully resolve conflicts. 

When playing cooperative games, a trusted adult could guide the kids not only with the rules of the game but also on how to resolve conflicts. Children will learn how to express their qualms and concerns and to collectively find a solution. In this way, a conflict boosts their cooperativeness instead of the opposite.

Key Takeaway

Now that you know why cooperative games are important for kids, you can try to encourage your children to engage more in this kind of play. They will learn crucial skills and learn to function better as a part of a group.

If you want to encourage them to play, the best way to do it is with toys! Here at Funtastic Stuff, we offer quality toys for kids of all ages! Let them take their pick from the kids’ toys that we offer! Feel free to check our answers for frequently asked questions or contact us if you have any inquiries!